2920 Rockefeller
Everett, WA 98201
PH: 425-259-0859
FX: 425-258-6877
8-5 Mon-Fri
File Transfer - Email
Note: Use print ready files when at all possible to avoid additional cost
Our primary email address for files is:
You can send any of the accepted file types
to this address. Dangerous file types like EXE, BAT, LNK, or PIF will be
stripped from the email and not delivered. Make sure is you don't send
any 'self extracting' ZIP files (with the EXE extension).
The size limit is 10MB per email. If your file is larger than
10MB you can try compressing it with WinZip or WinRAR. Both of these
titles are available for download.
Make sure you give clear instructions in your email. Files received with
no instructions will be ignored. We need to know at least the following:
your name, your company (if any), if your files are going to be
delivered & to where, and your phone number.
If you need the email address of a specific person, try the
Contact Us page.